Sunday, January 18, 2009

Busines in Market

The stock market for beginners is a place to make some fast money . You sometimes hear how a stock went up two points , and say to yourself , if I had pulled the trigger on that one , I could have made a lot of money . Fast easy money can be made in the stock market . But slow and easy is the way to go , and if you start at an early age , a fast and easy retirement is a reality .
Beginners at the stock trading should learn all they can in order to succeed . You do not see a professional golfer pick up a club and become good at golf overnight . It takes time and knowledge to be good at anything in life . To start off , make sure you understand How the Stock Market Works . Start at the beginning and work your way up . You did not pick up a book one-day and start to read , first you learned the letters of the alphabet .

How you are going to Trade ? : Knowing this is going to let you know what you need to be reading to learn about it . Are you going to scalp , day trade , swing trade , or buy and hold for the long run . Scalping involves buying or selling a lot of shares in a stock , and you are just expecting a small move in the price . Day trading is close to scalping but you are expecting bigger moves in the price , and you do not hold the stock overnight . Swing trading is when you buy a stock and hold it for two days to two weeks looking for a big move in the price . Buy and hold is when you plan on holding to the stock for a long time . You believe the company is going to grow in value and the price is going to go much higher .
Next you will need to understand what fundamental analysis and technical analysis is :
Fundamental analysis relies economic information , such as the company’s financial situation , and quarterly earnings . This can take a lot of time regarding each company’s financial reports . Financial newspapers and magazines help you to sort out the problem . If you are going to be investing in the stock market , you should be reading this paper on a daily basis . Technical analysis is the study of the charts . The tool used for this is charting software . Charts show a stocks price movement , and with looking at the charts we can see everything we need to know about the stock , just by looking the chart .
Another important tool you are going to need is Stock Trading System . If you travel to place you have never been to before you do not just jump in the car and go . You look at the map , decide which way is going to be the best . The same is true with the stock market . Many beginners jump in without a plan of action , you have to have a plan , why and when you are going to make trade , when you are going to take your profits , and you must stay with your plan . Practice paper trading before you tart to trade to see how well you are doing . Once you are trading well on paper then it is time to open an account

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